How to sell a business in Florida. Asking "What is my business worth?" Ask your Tampa Business Broker or Florida Business Broker

buy a business

How to buy a business just right for you

The 30% – 70% Rule One of the greatest gurus in the business ownership transition industry, Mr. Ed Pendarvis, said in his book, The Family Business, Family Farm: America’s Amazing Economic Engine, that the decision for a business buyer should be based 30%…

Thinking Outside the Boss

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOSS Have you ever thought about owning your own business? If so you’re in good company. Surveys from business organizations like Vistaprint and UPS Store show that 60% to 70% of us wish that we worked for…

Advantages of Buying an SBA Pre-Qualified Business

Advantages of Buying an SBA Pre-Qualified Business SBA backed lenders help Business Buyers acquire existing, cash-flowing businesses. Buying an existing business often has advantages over start-ups and new franchises, such as existing cash flow, established customer base, trained staff in…

How to Profit from Small Business Investing

Profit from Your Passion How successful people profit from Small Business Investing Small business investing is not for the feint of heart.  It takes courage, dedication and skill to be a successful entrepreneur.  There are many factors that define success.…