26th Annual MJH Golf Classic
Thanks Legacy Venture Group Team!
Awesome job helping at the MJH Golf Classic #26 this year at World Woods Golf Course!
It was an honor to have a number of our team face the long drive and icy morning (started at 30 degrees in the a.m.) to serve the cooler group of golfers.
It was also great to see Legacy Venture Group (BuyBizUSA.com) supported by some of the very best brokers in the business!
Team Spirit
Thanks again for sharing your time and talent to serve the many in support of the great causes at Joshua House and the Tutor-a-Bull Program supported by USF (Go Bulls!). Top Legacy Venture Group’s Business Sales, Mergers and Acquisition Team, Bill Blair (patriotic jacket in the picture) and Gregg Potter along with superstar Darlene, served the super supporters of the cause on the Rolling Oaks Course.
Not shown but managing Pine Barrens’ hot dog and beer refreshment, was Skylar Stephens (Legacy Venture Group’s advertising and design expert), Haillie Stephens (marketing-pro extraordinaire), Josh Stephens (data entry and value analyst), and Gracie Payne (burnt hot dog specialist), as well as many others. Thank you all for your help and your time!
There are many, many other real heroes that make the event what it is and work to support the cause all year around. For those who want to learn about some really great charities, check out Tutor-a-Bull and Joshua House at https://www.friendsofjoshuahouse.org/about-us/tutor-a-bull. Lots of other great events coming up with Joshua House soon so check out the calendar and come help.
And if you want to golf with the best next year, keep Martin Luther King’s birthday open on your calendar for 2020.