Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) & Buyer’s Worksheet
In order to receive confidential business information about any listing opportunity that you are interested in, please read and fill out the forms using the links below. This link will take you to our digital document service provider. After we receive your digitally signed forms, we will be able to share more details with you regarding the business you are interested in.
This does not obligate you to buy a business from us. These documents allow us to share details, location, and other valuable information about the opportunity you are interested in.
Form Links
You will need the listing ID # and business name. Listing ID numbers from our company typically look like this 883-9####.
* Both forms are required for businesses over $200,000. If you have a business partner who will also be looking at the confidential business information, please have them sign a Nondisclosure Agreement as well.
Please add Biz@BuyBizUSA.com and Brian@BuyBizUSA.com to your contact list so you don’t miss any of our emails!
Why do I have to complete a Non-Disclosure Form?
- A Non-Disclosure Agreement provides business owners with information from you that tells them you are legitimately interested in their business. It gives them confidence that you will not disclose their important and often proprietary business practices as you investigate their business opportunity and it helps to protect their business assets in a competitive marketplace.
Why do I have to fill out a Buyer’s Worksheet?
- Some of our Sellers insist on confirming that any prospective Buyer / Investor has the funds necessary to purchase the business. They will allow sharing the business name and information only after a Prospective Buyer / Investor has completed and shared a Buyer’s Worksheet.
Although you will receive private information, often documents like tax returns and leases are only shared with Buyers / Investors as part of Due Diligence after an offer is made and accepted. Make sure when you make an offer that you can get back any down payment if the business fails to satisfy Due Diligence requirements.
Take a minute to review our Seller Information Release Process. Each business is a little different so this is a guideline but helps you understand when to expect certain types of information as you progress through the buying process.
Some Business Owners do not always have detailed records. Some listings will say Owner To Prove or Owner Estimate. Carefully assess the records you receive.
Thank you for taking the time to contact us and for giving us the opportunity to help. We enjoy helping people get the right business and look forward to helping you pursue your business dreams. If you are in the Tampa Bay area, please visit our office. We’d love to meet with you in person.
Brian Stephens, MBA, CBI