Archives Transaction Terms

S Corporation – Business Broker context! Get a Free Value Assessment

In Sarasota, Florida, a Business Broker facilitated the sale of an S-corporation that specialized in eco-tourism. The S-corporation structure allowed the business's profits and losses to be passed through to the owners' personal tax returns, avoiding double taxation. This tax advantage was a key selling point that the broker highlighted to attract potential buyers, ultimately securing a deal that satisfied both the seller and the buyer.

Rollover – Business Broker context! Free Value Assessment

In a business sale orchestrated in Jacksonville, Florida, a Business Broker facilitated a deal where the selling shareholders agreed to a rollover arrangement. They retained 30% equity in the business, measured as a percentage of the total equity of the new company. This strategic move not only secured a substantial dollar value of equity for the sellers but also ensured their ongoing involvement and commitment to the business's future success under new ownership.

Representations and Warranties -Business Broker Terms – Free Consult

In a HVAC and Plumbing business transaction in Fort Myers, Florida, a Business Broker facilitated the drafting of a purchase and sale agreement that included detailed representations and warranties. These clauses assured the buyer that all provided information about the business, such as financial statements and legal compliance, was accurate and true. The agreement also specified the remedies available to the buyer, including potential compensation, should any of these assurances prove to be false or inaccurate after the sale was completed. This safeguarded the buyer's investment and contributed to a transparent and trustworthy transaction process. - [ ] Always check with a qualified attorney when unsure

Release -Business Broker Terms – Free Consult

In a business sale in Orlando, Florida, a Business Broker facilitated a situation where the seller agreed to a release as part of the transaction terms. This release involved the seller relinquishing their right to pursue any future claims related to undisclosed liabilities of the business up to the point of sale. This agreement was crucial in ensuring that the buyer could proceed with the acquisition without the risk of future legal entanglements from prior business activities. - Always check with a qualified attorney when unsure

Referror – Business Broker Terms – Free Consult

Example: In Fort Lauderdale, Florida, a Business Broker acted as a referror by introducing a potential buyer to a seller of a high-end on-line retail store. This initial introduction by the referror was instrumental in establishing a new client relationship that ultimately led to a successful business transaction, showcasing the vital role of networking and referrals in the business brokerage industry.

Referring Business Broker -Legacy Venture Group

In Miami, Florida, a Referring Business Broker played a pivotal role in a Contractor business sale by providing the initial introduction between a tech startup looking to expand through acquisition and a smaller competitor. This introduction led to a client relationship that culminated in a strategic acquisition, demonstrating the crucial function of a Referring Business Broker in facilitating connections that drive business growth and consolidation.

Referree – Business Broker terms! Free Value Assessment

In Naples, Florida, a Business Broker acted as a referee by receiving introductory information from another broker about a family-owned restaurant looking to sell. This connection led to a successful client relationship where the referee broker managed the entire sales process, culminating in a beneficial transaction for both the buyer and the seller, highlighting the value of well-connected brokers in the business brokerage industry.

Purchase Agreement – Business Broker Terms – Free Consult

In St. Petersburg, Florida, a Business Broker drafted a comprehensive Purchase Agreement for the sale of a digital marketing firm. This agreement served as the "road map" for both the buyer and the seller throughout the transaction. It detailed the specific assets and operations being purchased, outlined a structured down payment and repayment schedule, and included critical buyer and seller representations, warranties, and indemnifications. These elements were meticulously outlined to ensure clear expectations and responsibilities, thereby facilitating a smooth transition and safeguarding both parties' interests in the deal.

Proration – Business Broker Terms – Free Consult

In a multi-million dollar golf cart business sale in Brandon, Florida, the Legacy Brandon Business Broker handled the proration of financial obligations during the closing process. The seller had prepaid expenses such as rent and advertising that would benefit the business beyond the sale date. These costs were prorated in the closing statement, ensuring that the buyer and seller shared the expenses proportionately to the time each party would benefit. This proration was crucial in achieving a fair and equitable transaction, reflecting the actual usage of the services by both parties.

Promissory Note – Business Broker Terms – Free Consult

In a construction business transaction in Orlando, Florida, a Business Broker facilitated the use of a promissory note as part of the deal structure. The buyer, unable to pay the full purchase price upfront, signed this promissory note which acknowledged the debt owed to the seller. The note detailed the amount to be paid, set specific payment dates, and outlined an agreed-upon interest rate. This arrangement allowed the buyer to manage cash flow effectively while providing the seller with a legally binding promise of payment, ensuring security and clarity for both parties. This allowed the Seller to get a price above the business valuation she got back when she was considering "Should I sell my business?"

Principal- Business Broker Terms – Free Consult

Although many business brokers act as a transactional broker, not al do and for some deals, it is best to embrace another relationship with the selling business owner. In Sarasota, Florida, during a business brokerage deal, the Business Broker acted as the agent for the seller, who was the principal in this relationship. The broker managed negotiations, ensuring that all terms, including the principal amount—the sum of money the buyer agreed to pay excluding any interest—were clear and advantageous for the principal. This arrangement ensured that the seller had professional representation, maximizing the effectiveness and efficiency of the sale process.

Post Closing Working Capital Adjustment -Business Broker Terms

In a merger and acquisition deal involving a manufacturing company in Miami, Florida, a post-closing working capital adjustment was integral to the final agreement. The Business Broker helped establish a target working capital amount that the selling company was required to maintain through the closing date. Upon closing, an audit revealed that the actual working capital exceeded the predetermined target. Consequently, in accordance with the terms of the deal, the purchase price was adjusted upward, benefiting the seller for effectively managing the company's assets up to the transition. This adjustment ensured fairness and financial transparency, aligning the final terms with the actual financial condition of the business at the time of sale.