Better Planet – Child Abuse Awareness Luncheon – April 19, 2013 – Help
Child Abuse Awareness Luncheon
Hyatt Regency Tampa @ 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
211 North Tampa Street, Tampa, FL
Can’t make it but willing to help?
Donate on their web site: https://www.friendsofjoshuahouse.org/how-you-can-help/donate
This is the 18th year the Child Abuse Awareness Luncheon has inspired and educated this community. The luncheon benefits Joshua House, one of the Children’s Home Society of Florida’s premier residential programs for children who have been abused, abandoned and neglected. The event features dynamic speakers that have both awed and shocked the community by their personal stories of tragedy to triumph.
Make a real and significant difference in the lives of children today. Help make Tampa Bay a better place by supporting Joshua House at the 18th Annual Child Abuse Awareness Luncheon being held April 19 from 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.. at the Hyatt Regency Tampa (211 North Tampa Street, Tampa). Please consider attending this event, and/or helping us find sponsors for this event. If you just can’t make it, you can also help by sharing an affordable contribution at the Friends of Joshua House website.
Children are victims to which they have little recourse. Visit https://www.friendsofjoshuahouse.org for more details.
Sobering Statistics
- Over 10,000 reports of child abuse or maltreatment was registered in Tampa Bay in 2011.
- The vast majority were under the age of 5.
- Since children at risk (abused and neglected) are natural victims to child/human trafficking, this year’s luncheon will also include concerns on this subject. You may have read about a few Tampa Bay cases in the news.
- Note:Child/Human Trafficking is one of the fastest growing crimes in the world. Child/ human trafficking is the world’s second largest criminal enterprise, after drugs. U.S. State Department
- The global market of child trafficking at over $12 billion a year with over 1.2 million child victims. UNICEF
- As many as 2.8 million children run away each year in the US. Within 48 hours of hitting the streets, one-third of these children are lured or recruited into the underground world of prostitution and pornography. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
- The average age of entry for children victimized by the sex trade industry is 12 years. U.S. Department of Justice
Keep Tampa Bay awesome and help make a world of difference to children who are not fortunate enough to be born into the right environment. Making a positive difference and supporting organizations like Joshua House can change lives, break the cycle of future child abuse, and help develop our future great leaders and adults.
Thank you.
Brian Stephens
833-Buy-Biz1 (833-289-2491)
DeDe Grundel – Executive Director
(813) 263-3469
Friends of Joshua House Foundation, Inc.