Hurricane Irma Florida Business Disaster Recovery
Hurricane Irma – September 10th, 2017
Hurricane Irma roared into the Florida Keys and southwest Florida on Sunday, Sept 10th. It’s impacts were felt across the entire state from the bottom of the Keys to the Florida/Georgia line and from the east coast to the west coast of Florida. Many communities were absolutely devastated by high winds, rising water, toppled trees and downed power lines. These impacts have affected not only personal lives but they have also impacted the livelihoods of many business owners across the state. Our hearts go out to everyone that was in Irma’s path.
We want to help you get your business back on its feet. Business disaster recovery resources are available at the federal, state, county and community levels. Below are some of the resources available through the federal government, SBA, State of Florida and the Florida SBDC. Many counties also have links to resources available on their county government websites.
Please use the links below as a starting point to help get your business back up and running!
Helpful Business Disaster Recovery Resources
Federal Business Assistance:
- Call: 1-800-621-FEMA (3362)
- Visit: www.DisasterAssistance.gov
Small Business Administration:
- Call: 1-800-659-2955
- Visit: https://www.sba.gov/disaster-assistance
State of Florida – Emergency Assistance for Businesses:
Florida Small Business Development Center*
* Great site that provides links to many online applications, counties that relief is available for and application deadlines.