EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization)

Get a business valuation today that tells you more than just a number or a range. Get one that gives you a full assessment that tells you what drives value. Don't wait. Do it now.
Understand your EBITDA. And what drives value in your business.

Selling a business is rarely as straightforward or fast as business owners would like. Unless you’ve sold a business before, unforeseen obstacles are almost certain to arise. Even if you have prior experience selling a business, you will likely face hurdles along the way.

Every business is unique, and this impacts the many variables associated with its sale. Market conditions can change daily, making it critical to understand the current “lay of the land.” This underscores the importance of working with a professional, like Legacy Venture Group’s  Tampa Business Brokerage Team, who can navigate these complexity.

One significant challenge business owners face is a lack of comprehensive financial data. A serious buyer will scrutinize every detail of your business, with a particular focus on your

EBITDA plays a pivotal role

EBITDA plays a pivotal role in determining the value of your business, especially when a Tampa Business Valuation is conducted.

To calculate the value of your business, tools like the Quality of Earnings (Q of E) Analysis Report may be used, which rely on GAAP accounting. This can be a major shift for many business owners, as it differs from common accounting practices, often leading to substantial changes in EBITDA. Such shifts can catch business owners off guard, highlighting the need for expertise from Legacy Venture Group or a Tampa Business Broker.

Potential buyers will request a variety of documents reflecting both the operational and financial health of your business. This due diligence process requires significant time and attention, and it’s essential for business owners to provide accurate financial information to support EBITDA. Preparing for a sale is a unique event that demands careful planning, especially when aiming for a smooth process through a Tampa Business Valuation.

EBITDA is commonly used as a baseline for valuing businesses, often through a multiple of the EBITDA. Buyers will likely review your income statement and calculate an adjusted EBITDA that aligns with their perspective. It’s common for there to be differences between buyer and seller calculations, which is something sellers should anticipate when working with Legacy Venture Group or a Tampa Business Broker.

The best time to prepare for selling your business is now. An experienced broker or M&A advisor, such as those at Legacy Venture Group, understand the complexities of EBITDA and can guide you through the layered process of selling. The sooner you begin preparing, the better positioned you’ll be to achieve a successful sale.